
5 Things to do when you find a lump

05:59 09 October in Breast Cancer, Dr Cordula Winkler, Reach for Recovery, Somerset Surgery

By Dr Cordula Winkler


    1. Don’t panic – take a deep breath.


    1. Make an appointment with a general surgeon. After your examination, the surgeon will remove a small piece of the lump in order to examine its cause.


    1. You will be referred for a mammogram or breast sonar.


    1. Take some time before you make any decisions. Get a second opinion and discuss all treatment options. These include a lumpectomy and full mastectomy. Ask fo a referral to a plastic surgeon to discuss your reconstructive options.


  1. Rally support. Reach for Recovery is an organistaion that provides a wide network of support services. They can be contacted on 083 306 1941 (Cape Peninsula) or 082 357 0497 (Stellenbosch/Somerset West). Visit for more info.