
Genop Doctor Training

04:03 19 March in Latest Events

Dr Training Workshop – ISAPS (International Society of aesthetic plastic surgeons)
17 – 19 March 2012

Somerset Aesthetic Surgery hosted workshops and doctor training for Plastic surgeons belonging to International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (ISAPS) with international experts performing surgery in our theaters, connected audio visually to the auditorium belonging to Spectramedic, situated on the top floor of the same building.

Plastic surgeons from around the country received instruction regarding Ablative laser (skin resurfacing) using the Paloma Icon laser by Dr Jonathan Toogood. Dr Fatimi from Germany performed laser assisted liposuction demonstrations using the Slim Lipo system. This system uniquely tightens skin after liposuction. It is a testament to the quality of our facility that this workshop was endorsed by ISAPS.