
Introducing liposculpture

14:17 16 February in Body surgery, Surgical

Sometimes, despite our best efforts with diet and exercise, we just cannot get a particular body part to obtain the shape we most desire. There are so many negative terms used to describe ladies’ legs that do not ascribe to the Steffi Graph ideal of shapeliness.

‘Saddlebags’ describes the stubborn fat pouches that are diet resistant on the sides of the thighs. Then there is the genetic curse of ‘cankles’ (a mash of the words calves and ankles) – where there is no tapering from the knee down to the ankle. This condition is also completely resistant to diet and exercise. Fortunately there is a surgical solution to these problems: liposculpture.

Liposculputure is a technique whereby fat is sucked out with a liposuction cannula. The remaining fat is shaped to mirror the underlying muscles. This creates a more toned and athletic look.

The technique is particularly effective for the problems described above, but can also be used to remove ‘muffin tops’ and/or to sculpt the anatomy of the abdomen to uncover a six-pack that has been hiding under a thin layer of fat. In the hands of a skilled plastic surgeon, liposuction can be used to reshape your body and set you free to bare your legs or tummy with confidence.
We are the proud owners of a SlimLipo machine – the only one available in the Western Cape. This technology merges the known effectiveness of conventional liposuction with the addition of skin tightening laser technology. The common problem areas of the upper arms and double chin can benefit from localised fat removal and skin tightening at the same time for a more rejuvenated appearance.

Speak to one of our plastic surgeons about what liposculpture can do for you.





“The lipo surgery I underwent impacted my life far more dramatically than I expected. Besides the increase in self-confidence, my entire attitude regarding health and nutrition has improved. My focus is no longer on the superficial. Since the surgery, I’ve  taken up various physical activities. I’m constantly discovering and pushing new limits and I truly enjoy living a healthy lifestyle. I strongly recommend Somerset Surgery. Every single person involved has been so gracious and welcoming. I hold each one in high regard.”

Rachel (34), self-employed and mother of two