Sheldene’s thoughts on…
Turning back the hands of time
In May, we celebrate Mother’s Day. When I think about this special celebration and our focus for the month – the cosmetic enhancement of hands – I am reminded of a story I once read.
A grandmother sat holding hands with her young granddaughter. She said: “Your hands are so smooth and soft, they feel like velvet.” Stroking her gnarled hand, her granddaughter replied: “Grandma, I prefer corduroy.”
When it comes to age prevention and rejuvenation, don’t forget about your hands. Just about all the modalities we use to improve the skin on the face can be used to improve the condition and appearance of the skin on your hands – needling, laser, peels, etc. To prevent your hands revealing your age, ask one of our therapists to extend the treatments you are having on your face to your hands. This can be done at minimal additional cost and to great effect. As we get older, the fat pad on the dorsum (top) of your hands atrophies (thins). This results in a sinewy look. Fillers or a fat transfer to the dorsum of the hands can put back what time and hard work have taken away – returning your hands to the velvety smoothness of your youth. See our Naked Truth article in this newsletter for more details.
I leave you with this extract from Her Hands by Maggie Pittman:
Her hands held me gently from the day I took my first breath.
Her hands helped to guide me as I took my first step.
Her hands are more beautiful than anything can be.
Her hands are the reason I am me.
Happy Mother’s Day!