Sheldene’s thoughts on…
Rewarding your future self
June is National Men’s Health awareness month. Over the years I’ve come to realise that the men in my life seldom take their health symptoms seriously – hoping that the mark on their skin will “go away on its own” or that “strange pain” becomes something they “learn to live with”.
I would like to encourage all the men reading this to:
That means go and have those symptoms checked out! Many other things relate to the statement above, such as:
- Wear sunblock.
- Take anti-oxidants.
- Stop smoking.
- Tell your wife she is beautiful.
- Play with your kids.
- Phone your mom.
For the ladies reading this – I encourage you to share your skincare knowledge with your husband. Your future self will thank you for this. Pop a foaming facial wash in his shower caddie. Tell him to use this on his face instead of the soap he uses on his body. It’s just a small step in the right direction to encourage him to take better care of his skin. More and more men are discovering the benefits of good skincare products, as well as more intense skincare treatments. The number of men seeking the services of plastic and reconstructive surgeons is definitely on the increase. See the answer to the Naked Truth question at the end of this newsletter.
At Somerset Surgery, the phrase we hear most often is:
“I should have done this years ago!”
So, don’t delay, do something TODAY to ensure a happier, healthier TOMORROW!