Sheldene’s thoughts on…
Slowing down –
It’s mid-winter and the July school holidays are in full swing… hopefully the cooler weather allows for your fast-paced life to slow down just a bit. One thing you don’t want to slow down, however, is your metabolism. Unfortunately, this is part of the ageing process.
As you get older the metabolism of your skin slows down, your complexion becomes dull and you lose the dewy fresh complexion of youth. This is because the turnover of skin cells slows down. Have you ever noticed how older people have flaky skin? The truth is that their skins are not flaking more, they are in fact flaking less.
When our skins are young, cell turnover is high and dead skin cells flake off in an invisible powder all day long. Due to ageing and sun damage, the bonds that keep dead skin cells on the surface of the skin become tacky, causing them to clump together and fall off in visible scales. Not a “good look”.
Fortunately, at MASC Laser Clinic we have a range of skin peeling products and treatments that boost your skin’s cell turnover. Daily use of homecare products for the face and body can keep the skin looking and functioning as it did in your youth. We also have a range of treatment peels that can be suited to your skin type and the demands of your life.
“The demands of my life?”you may ask.Yes, winter is the perfect time to have one of our more invasive treatment offerings – if the demands of your life allow you some downtime. Our therapists can plan to do a TCA peel, Retinol peel, Beta peel or even Photo Dynamic Therapy <view details>. These peeling treatments cause your skin to flake off in visible sheets, which may look unsightly for a week or so, but the recovery period is painless and the results are unbeatable. If your lifestyle does not allow this kind of downtime, our therapists can recommend a peeling product that requires minimal or no downtime – commonly known as a “lunch time peel”.
Can all this peeling be good for you? YES! Even though the peels we offer work on the epidermis (superficial layers of the skin), research has shown that with regular peeling cell production in the deeper layers of the skin is improved (Imayama S, Uedea S, Isoda M. Arch Dermatol. 2000, 136:139-1395). Therefore, having repeated peel treatments allow these improved skin cells to be visible on the skin’s surface. The result? Dewy, younger-looking skin! Have a look at this month’s Naked Truth section for more information about the peels we offer.
If painful hands are slowing you down this winter, you could be suffering from Carpal Tunnel syndrome. This common condition can successfully be treated with minor orthopaedic surgery. We shed some light on this topic.
So, take advantage of the “indoor” weather and have a skin rejuvenation treatment that will have you emerging FRESH & REJUVENATED from the desiccated cocoon of your dry winter skin.