
Sheldene’s thoughts on…

11:54 04 December in Festive Season, Sheldene's Thoughts


From shopping lists to wish lists

I am a list maker. Being very BD (before digital), all my lists are on paper. I still believe that there is nothing more satisfying than putting a big tick next to something on your to-do list. DONE!

At this time of year I feel I need a list of all the lists I am keeping! My usual to-do list is on a clipboard and contains prompts to remind me of all the business and private things I need to attend to.

My diary contains my actual appointments. I sometimes even put a countdown leading up to a commitment I need to be prepared for, such as “3 weeks to staff party”.

I have a small notebook in my bag to keep a running shopping list. I add to it daily until there are enough items to make the trip to the shops worthwhile.

In December I add an extra list to all the lists: the Gift Buying List. That’s where I keep a record of all the friends, family, teachers and colleagues I need to remember to buy a gift for.

In all the madness and the hustle and bustle of this time of year it is so easy to forget something or someone – causing at the least frustration (“Oh no, I need to go to the shops AGAIN!”) and at the worst embarrassment. If you often find yourself in such a predicament, take advantage of our special offer at MASC: buy a gift voucher and you’ll receive 10% off every extra gift voucher you purchase for the same amount. Stock up on a few of these, so you can whip one out should someone surprise you with a gift and you have none to reciprocate. And, if you still have a few left over at the end of the “giving season”, spoil yourself by spending it… on yourself.

That gets me thinking….

Are you a list keeper too? Have you scanned your lists? Do you have that nagging feeling you have forgotten something? Have you remembered to include YOURSELF? Our first newsletter for 2014 was themed “A new year, a new you!”. During the course of this year, more than 1 300 patients received surgical treatment at Somerset Surgery and probably twice the amount of patients was treated at MASC Laser Clinic. Over 4 000 people put themselves on their to-do list and resolved to make 2014 the year they ended looking and feeling better than they started. If you neglected to do that this year, it might be something to consider as we bid 2014 a final farewell.

Thank you for the opportunity to be part of your journey. We look forward to keeping you looking as young as you feel in 2015!