Men’s Health
Show your support. Men often put their health last. The thinking goes: “I’m working, I’m being productive, so I must be fine.” Men often put their health last. The thinking goes: “I’m working, I’m being productive, so I must be...
Show your support. Men often put their health last. The thinking goes: “I’m working, I’m being productive, so I must be fine.” Men often put their health last. The thinking goes: “I’m working, I’m being productive, so I must be...
The African sun is both a blessing and a curse. But it does not have to be both. If we take the advice freely available – wear a high factor sunscreen; avoid the sun between 10 am and 3 pm;...
I’m often asked why I started a skincare clinic at Somerset Surgery. The answer is simple: skin cancer. As a qualified skincare therapist, it was always my intention to develop skincare at Somerset Surgery – as an added value to...
All skin cancers start as small superficial lesions that become progressively larger and potentially more dangerous as they invade the skin and become more complex to treat. How soon a skin cancer is removed often determines the outcome and prognosis....
October is breast cancer awareness month. Therefore October is also the month that general and plastic surgeons brace themselves for the flood of ladies in need of mastectomies and reconstructive surgery. It is a testament to the success of the breast...
October is breast cancer awareness month. Therefore October is also the month that general and plastic surgeons brace themselves for the flood of ladies in need of mastectomies and reconstructive surgery. It is a testament to the success of the breast...