Selfcare during Lock Down
We may be experiencing some form of “withdrawal” during this time. We are missing family, friends and social interaction, our regular gym classes, walks or runs. We are also certainly missing our hairdressers, nail techs and skincare therapists too.
Here are some suggestions about what you can do at home to keep your skincare and selfcare on point until things return to “normal”:
1. Clear out your bathroom cabinet – throw away expired products or products with no lids etc.
2. If there are products that you purchased but don’t enjoy using, use them up on your body, hands and feet by adding them to aqueous cream or your regular body lotion.
3. Take an inventory of what products you need to repurchase contact: info@masclaser.co.za we will make a plan to deliver as soon as we re-open.
4. Follow MASC Laser on Facebook or Instagram in order to make use of the Lockdown specials.
5. Read and understand the instructions on your masks and serums and use them as prescribed during the next few days.
6. Give yourself a home facial:
- Cleanse your face using your chosen cleanser, using gentle circular movements with your fingertips.
- Remove your cleanser by rinsing with tepid water
- Fill the basin with hot water, put a towel over your head and steam for 2-3 minutes
- If you have a facial exfoliating product at home, apply this as directed on the product and rinse again with tepid water
- Pat dry with a clean towel
- Apply facial mask and lie down and relax for 15-20 min
- Rinse the mask off if indicated with tepid water
- Apply your chosen eye cream and serums
- Apply day cream or night cream as specified
- Apply a sunscreen if done in daytime. Remember, even visible light has a detrimental effect on our skin cells
7. Bleach your teeth (if you have a homecare kit).
8. Put on a hair mask/treatment.
9. Do a full body scrub or look up how to do dry brushing and follow with a nourishing body cream.
10. While you are in your “birthday suit” get a family member to have a look at all your moles. https://somersetsurgery.co.za/the-abcs-of-melanoma/ If you are concerned about any “funny looking” moles. Find out if your Plastic Surgeon will have a look at a photo of the lesion to make a plan about removing it after Lock Down.
11. Take time to learn how to do a proper breast self-examination and get to know the feel of your breasts. Now put a reminder on your phone or diary to do it every month from now on: https://somersetsurgery.co.za/be-breast-aware-12-self-examination-tips/
12. Make a list of when last you had a mammogram, pap smear, mole mapping, eye test, dental check up and clean. Make a note to make the relevant appointments once everyone gets back to work.
For the rest of our lives we will remember when we all had to stay at home for 21 days to avert a national crisis. Make this the start of when you decided to take better care of yourself for a healthier future.