Story About Confidence
Dear Sheldene, I cannot believe it is already two months since Chloe’s breast reduction. I feel so bad that I have not been able to see you when we have been for her post-op check-ups, but you have either been busy or...
Dear Sheldene, I cannot believe it is already two months since Chloe’s breast reduction. I feel so bad that I have not been able to see you when we have been for her post-op check-ups, but you have either been busy or...
Breast is best I absolutely loved breastfeeding. After the initial struggles of the first few days, my baby and I settled into the wonderful symbiotic relationship of a mother breastfeeding her child. We gazed into each other’s eyes as she snuggled into...
May is the month we celebrate our mothers. Those special women who sacrificed all for us. And then some. If you have ever experienced the blessing of giving birth, you will also be well aware of the result of all...